Japan International Education Society

8th Aug. 1990
In 1990 the Japan International Education Society (JIES) was established by a group of Japanese and non-Japanese researchers engaged in the academic study of topics related to international education.
JIES is an academic society founded upon a humanistic philosophy of education and dedicated to furthering the internationalization of education worldwide. This founding principle, along with the fact that a large portion of the meeting participants, general membership, and Executive Committee membership is comprised of researchers from non-Japanese from within and outside Japan, makes JIES unique within Japan.
Notification Regarding Membership Applications
Please download the application form, fill in the necessary details, and send it to the address listed below by either 1) post, or 2) creating a PDF file of the application including your signature or seal (inkan:印鑑) and sending as an e-mail attachment.
※ Please feel free to contact us regarding any questions you may have.
Address for Mailing of Membership Application Documents
The Secretariat of the Japan International Education Society
Ochanomizu University Global Collaboration Center,
c/o Professor Hirayama Takehiro,
2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo-to 112-8611
Email: jies.office@gmail.com
Important Notice
The Email Address of the Secretariat of JIES has been Changed
With effect from December 15, 2023, the Secretariat of the Society has changed its existing email address as follows:
New Email address: jies.office@gmail.com
The old email addresses (jies_jimukyoku@jies.gr.jp) will be inactive and no longer in use after January 3, 2024.
For any inquiries and concerns, please contact us at the new email address mentioned above.
Thank you.
Journals of International Education
Our journal, Journal of International Education (JIE) welcomes manuscripts related to the topics of particular special issues, as well as general submissions in all fields and disciplines of international educational research.
For details, please refer to the following links:
Go to the web page of JIE (Japanese)
Additional Guidelines for English Manuscripts Call for Papers (JIE Vol. 30)
Submission deadline for JIE vol.31: March 1st, 2025
Article 1 Objective
The objective of these provisions is to maintain and improve the academic standard by means of conducting smooth and fair editing of the Society Journal under the regulations of the Japan International Education Society (hereinafter called Main Provisions), Article 6 Paragraph 7.
Article 2 Committee for Editing the Society Journal
1) The term of office designated for persons constituting the Committee shall be two (2) years and they may be re-elected.
2) The Chairperson of the Committee shall perform his or her duties such as calling Committee, presiding over the meeting and other duties separately specified in these Provisions, provided however, that if he or she cannot perform the duties due to any particular circumstances, the Vice-chairperson shall perform the duties in their place.
3) The quorum required for the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members present, including the Chairperson and the Vice-chairperson of the Committee, however, letters of proxy submitted by regular members who cannot be present at the meeting may be added to the number of those present.
4) In the event of any vacancy of members, the Committee shall immediately request the Board of Directors to fill up such vacancy.
Article 3 Rights to Examination and Editing
The Committee shall be authorized to conduct any and all operations involved with the examination and the editing for manuscripts contributed, and shall have obligation to perform this. The examination and the decision of adoption shall be made by mutual consent. The Committee shall make an agreement with the contributor about the publication of their manuscript in the Society Journal. The contents of the agreement shall be decided and provided separately.
Article 4 Name of Bulletins
The official name of the bulletin shall be the “Journal of International Education”. The Committee is entitled to bear any particular title on the surface cover in accordance with the editorial policy and its planning.
Article 5 Contents of the Society Journal
Contents of the Society Journal shall be composed of Research Papers, Research Notes, Research Reports, Educational Information, Book Reviews, Introduction of Data, and others.
Article 6 Contributions
1) The regular and supporting members shall have the right of contribution without any limitation with regard to any kind of Research Papers, Research Notes, Research Reports, Educational Information, Book Reviews, Introduction of Data and others. If any non-member wishes to contribute, he or she should make a prior application to become a Society member. The contribution procedures shall be provided separately.
2) The Committee is entitled to request for any contribution from the members or non-members according to the editorial policy and planning.
3) The contribution by members constituting the Committee shall not be restricted.
Article 7 Proceeding for Examination
The examination is composed of two stages, a first and second stage of examination.
(1) The first stage of examination
1) Every Research Paper contributed shall pass firstly through a first stage of examination.
2) The first stage of examination shall be conducted keeping contributor’s names and their groups secret.
3) The Chairperson of the Committee shall designate two (2) persons in charge of examining each Research Paper from the Committee members taking account of their professional area.
However, if any member is not qualified to be an examiner, the Chairperson is entitled to entrust the duty to any other member not belonging to the Committee or to any other non-member as one of two such members for examination.
4) In examining the Research Paper contributed by members of the Committee, one of the examiners to whom the examination is entrusted must be a member other than the Committee or be a non-member.
5) The Chairperson of the Committee shall keep the original Research Paper and deliver two (2) copies of such Research Paper to two (2) examiners with contributor’s names confidential.
6) Persons in charge of examination shall examine papers independently from each other, and submit the results in writing to the Committee.
7) The Committee shall hold a meeting to determine the adoption of said document by mutual consent presented by such examiners.
8) Any contributor who is a member of the Committee shall not be permitted to be present in examination of his or her Research Paper.
9) If any Research Paper is recommended to be adopted but part of which is required to be reconsidered or modified at the discretion of the Committee, the Research Paper may be adopted conditionally with due regard to such part.
(2) The second stage of examination
1) Any such Research Paper and Research Notes adopted conditionally, as well as any Invited Paper, Research Reports, Educational Information, and the Introduction of Data, shall pass through the second stage of examination.
2) The second stage of examination shall be conducted with contributor’s names and their group names disclosed expressly.
3) With reference to the contributed Research Paper adopted conditionally at the first stage of examination, such a part reconsidered or modified shall be examined to determine finally whether it should be adopted.
4) Any Research Paper contributed through the request from the Committee shall be examined subject to the examination proceedings specified in the preceding paragraphs (1) 3), 6), 7) and 9).
5) Research Reports, Educational Information, and the Introduction of Data shall be examined by the Chairperson of the Committee as chief examiner, and the adoption shall be determined by mutual consent of the Committee, provided that any additional conditions necessary for its adoption may be established such as the request for reconsideration or modification.
Article 8 Notification and Certificate of Adoption
Upon finally deciding to adopt the manuscript, the Committee must notify the contributor of said adoption. Regarding manuscripts which have been selected for adoption, the Chairperson of the Committee may also issue its certificate upon request from the contributor.
Article 9 Ethical Provisions
1) The request for contribution shall be made under agreement among members in the Committee exclusively based on the special scholarship or social results, while taking care not to have a bias toward any particular group.
2) The Committee shall not add any matter nor introduce any modification to the manuscripts under examination.
3) Secrecy maintenance
The committee shall maintain its secrecy obligation for any and all contents of manuscripts, the progress of the examinations, and the results for the benefit and the honor of contributors.
4) Reply to raised objection
The Committee shall make a necessary reply in writing to any objection raised against the examination and the editing of the manuscripts. However, the reply shall be given by the Chairperson of the Committee or examiners in charge based on the unanimous agreement of the Committee but limited up to two times per manuscript.
5) Should it turn out that the manuscript is counterfeit, plagiarized or one which has been published already or is under consideration for publication elsewhere, its adoption or publication shall be withdrawn and the fact will be made public.
Article 10 Publication and Distribution
The Society Journal shall be published once a year in principle with charge, provided that they are distributed free of charge to any member who has duly paid the members fee or to such institutions, groups or individuals as particularly approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 11 Copyright
With regard to the copyright of articles carried in the Society Journal, the Society holds the right of reproduction (including the right to digitize articles) and the right of public transmission (including the right to make articles public) without compensation.
Article 12 Reprint of Articles
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 11 and paragraph (1) of Article 12, authors who fall under any of the following items can reproduce their articles carried in the Society Journal without any consent from the Society. However, in either case below, the name of the journal, volume and issue number, year of the publication, and page numbers should be specified.
(1) If an author wishes to reprint his or her article in a book he or she is currently writing or editing, after one year has elapsed since the publication of the original articles.
(2) If an author wishes to reproduce his or her article on the web site of the institution he or she is affiliated with, after one year has elapsed since the publication of the original articles (including archiving and publications in the institution’s repository).
Article 13 Amendment of These Provisions
Any amendment of these Provisions shall be subject to the procedure for amendment stipulated in Article 11 of the Main Provisions.
Article 14 Effective Date of These Provisions
These Provisions shal1 be effective on and after November 25, 1990.
Compendium of Official Rules and Regulations
of the Japan International Education Society
First issued 8 August, 1990
Amended 15 November, 2002
Amended 15 November, 2008
Amended 12 September, 2009
Amended 11 September, 2010
Amended 10 September, 2011
Amended 28 September, 2013
Amended 13 September, 2014
Amended 12 September, 2015
Amended 10 September, 2016
Amended 2 September, 2017
Amended 29 September, 2018
Amended 21 October, 2020
Article 1 Name
This Society shall be named the Japan International Education Society, to be abbreviated as JIES.
Article 2 Objective
This Society shall conduct academic research for and on international education.
Article 3 Qualifications and Structure of Membership
Anyone who agrees with the objective of this Society can become a member. This society shall consist of the following members:
1) Regular Members (including Student Members)
Those whose qualifications for membership were approved through examination by the Board of Directors as regards career, research achievements and institutional group to which they belong. Amidst the category of regular members, student members refers to graduate students and research students at the graduate school level that have been approved through review by the Board. However, those members who are to engage in an occupation wherein scholastic activity is restricted, such as administrative work in specified countries, or for-profit activity in particular institutional groups, are to report this to the Society; in this case their status will be changed to Supporting Member during this period.
2) Supporting Members
Those members who recognize the existence of this Society and the significance of its research activities, and who wish to join in or to support those activities. Depending upon declaration from the member, their status can be changed to regular member pending examination by the Board of Directors.
Article 4 Rights and Duties of Members
1) Voting and Right to Elect Directors
Only Regular Members may exercise any voting rights for the operation of this Society, including the right to vote in as well as be elected as Directors.
2) Right to Join Research Activities
Both regular and supporting members can deliver presentations in research conferences and workshops, submit articles to the Society Journal, and participate in joint research projects and other research activities sponsored by the Society.
3) Duty to Pay Membership Fees
Every member shall fulfill his or her duty to pay a pre-determined membership fee. The amount of the membership fee depends on the status and nationality of the member and shall be decided at the General Meeting. Members who were in arrears in payment of said membership fees, and did not pay it within one year of receipt of a reminder from this Society shall lose their status as member unless they are an Emeritus Director. Members shall promptly notify the Society of any change in address, and notifications from the Society shall be considered received at the time of posting. Members who are in arrears in payment of membership fees cannot exercise their right to vote in the General Meeting.
4) Obligation to Observe Research Ethics
Every member shall respect the freedom of thought and creed of the other members, and must not use this Society for purposes of administrative activities of any country or to make a profit for any institutional group.
5) Official Language in the Society
The official language of the General Meeting, the Meetings of the Board of Directors, in reviews conducted in various Committee Meetings and in official documents shall be Japanese language. However, this does not apply to research presentations in research conferences nor to submissions to the Society Journal.
Article 5 General Meeting
1) The highest organ for resolutions involving the planning and implementation of research activities shall be the General Meeting.
2) The quorum necessary for General Meetings shall be more than one half of regular members, and resolutions shall be effective upon approval of more than one half of them present at the meeting. However, letters of proxy submitted by members who could not be present may be added to the number of those present.
3) In the event that a quorum for a General Meeting is not established, resolutions adopted therein will be deemed provisional resolutions for one month after completion of the General Meeting, at which time they will be considered official resolutions in the case that no objection has been raised.
4) The Board of Directors may present draft-bills at General Meetings.
5) Regular members can present any draft-bills by themselves at the General Meeting provided at least one-tenth (1/10) of the total number of Regular Members have signed them. The bills shall be given to the Secretariat of the Society at least one month prior to the opening date of General Meetings.
6) Supporting members are entitled to hear General Meetings and express their opinions, for reference.
Article 6 Directors and Board of Directors
This Society shall have such Directors and Board of Directors as shown below in order to carry out resolutions made in the General Meetings.
1) President – one (1) person
The President shall be elected from the Board of Directors on agreement by the regular Directors, and the term of office shall be two (2) years. The President holds the annual General Meeting and any extraordinary meetings, and executes the resolutions of the General Meeting.
2) Vice-President – one (1) person
The Vice- President shall be elected from the Board of Directors on agreement by the regular Directors, and the term of office shall be two (2) years. The Vice-President assists the President, and, in the event that the President is unable to perform his or her duties due to extenuating circumstances, shall perform and act in the President’s place.
3) Regular Directors
Regular Directors are chosen from regular members by vote of regular members who are not in arrears in payment of their membership dues, and the term of office shall be for two (2) years. Regular Directors including the President and Vice- President shall form the Board of Directors, and execute the resolutions of the General Meeting. The quorum required for Board of Directors shall be more than one half of regular Directors present, and resolutions shall take effect after a majority of those present vote to approve it.
4) Specially-Appointed Directors
Specially-appointed Directors may be commissioned as necessary for the execution of special duties related to the operations of the Society, or for the sake of advancement of Society activities. Specially-appointed Directors are nominated as necessary by the President, and approved by the Board of Directors. Specially-appointed Directors serve as a member of the Board of Directors, and execute the resolutions of the General Meeting. The term of office shall be for two (2) years.
5) Advisors
This Society may commission Advisors. The Advisor is commissioned by the President, and the term of service shall be for the same period as the President holds office.
6) Emeritus Directors
This Society may commission Emeritus Directors as necessary. Emeritus Directors are commissioned by the Board of Directors, and the term of office shall be for two (2) years. Emeritus Directors may submit draft-bills directly to the Board of Directors. They can be commissioned regardless of their status as Members. Emeritus Directors can be re-appointed.
7) Committee for Editing the Society Journal – one (1) Chairperson, one (1) Vice-Chairperson, seven (7) Committee Members, and one (1) Manager
The Chairperson of the Committee for Editing the Society Journal is appointed from amongst the regular Directors, and the Committee Members and Manager are commissioned from the regular members by the President, pending upon review by the Board of Directors. The Vice-Chairperson is mutually elected from the Editorial Committee Members. The Editorial Committee Members shall comprise the Editorial Committee, and edit and publish the Society Journal, as well as solicit and review scholarly articles. The Provisions for Editing of the Society Journal are provided separately.
8) Secretariat of the Society – one (1) Secretary-General, one (1) Vice-Secretary-General, several General Managers of the Secretariat
The Secretary-General is appointed from the Directors through review by the Board of Directors. The Vice-Secretary General and General Managers of the Secretariat are appointed by the President from the regular members, and the term of office is for the same period as the President holds office. The President, Vice- President, Secretary-General, Vice-Secretary-General and Manager in charge of Editing the Journal comprise the Secretariat of the Society, and shall perform any practical tasks necessary for the operations of this Society. The place where the Secretariat is to be located is determined by the President.
9) Accounting Auditors – two (2) persons
The Accounting Auditors are appointed at the General Meeting, The term of office shall be for two (2) years. The purpose of the Accounting Audit is to inspect the appropriateness of the execution of the Society budget and report the results to the General Meeting.
10) Election Administration Committee – one (1) Chairperson, four (4) Committee Members
The Election Administration Committee Chairperson and Committee Members are selected by mutual vote at the General Meeting from amongst the regular members and supporting members. When the term of regular Directors has expired, the committee shall make an announcement for election, conduct such an election, count the votes, management documents in evidence, and nominate the new regular Directors. The term of office shall last until the relevant election procedure is completed. The Regulations regarding Election are provided separately.
11) Prohibition Against Directors Serving Concurrently
Directors who execute resolutions of the General Meeting shall not hold additional posts concurrently, unless otherwise specified.
Article 7 Appointment of Research Committee Members and Cooperating Researchers
In the performance of Joint Research, the Board of Directors may commission Research Committee Members from the Regular members, in accordance with the subject of the research theme. Research Committee Members comprise a Research Committee, and may commission Cooperating Researchers based upon consensus within the committee.
Article 8 Dismissal of Directors and Suspension of Membership
1) Any Director who breaches the obligation to uphold research ethics may be dismissed, even if they are in the midst of their term of Office and are the person responsible for executing the resolutions of the General Meeting, when two-thirds (2/3) or more of the regular members sign jointly to approve such a dismissal.
2) Any members who have breached the duty to observe research ethics of this Society may have their membership suspended by two-thirds or more of the regular members present at a General Meeting, provided however that such members have the right to justify their actions before the resolution.
Article 9 Academic Society Award
1) This Society establishes an academic society award to honor Members’ research achievements and to encourage their research activities.
2) Regulations regarding the selections for the academic society award are provided separately.
Article 10 Session
The session of the Society will be from August 1st to July 31st. The same shall apply to the fiscal year of the Society.
Article 11 Amendments to these Regulations
Amendments to these Regulations can be proposed by approval of two-thirds (2/3) or more of the regular members present at the General Meeting, and the proposal may be executed upon approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the total regular members.
Article 12 Detailed Provisions
Detailed Provisions for the operation of this Society shall be determined by the Board of Directors, who shall report them to the General Meeting.
Article 13 Location of the Society and Handling Financial Institution
1) Location of the Society
The location of the Japan International Education Society for its 17th term (Fiscal Year 2022-2023) Ochanomizu University Global Collaboration Center, c/o Professor Hirayama Takehiro, 2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo-to 112-8611
2) Financial Institution
The account representative for this Society’s postal service transfer account for the 17th term is Hirayama Takehiro, and the registered address for the account shall be the location of the society set forth in the preceding paragraph.
Article 14 Date of Establishment
The date of establishment of this Society is 8 August, 1990.
Article 15 Effective Date
These regulations take effect as of 8 August, 1990, based upon amendments to the previous regulations of the International Education Society.
Supplementary Provision 1
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 15 November, 2002.
Supplementary Provision 2
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 15 November, 2008.
Supplementary Provision 3
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 12 September, 2009.
Supplementary Provision 4
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 11 September, 2010.
Supplementary Provision 5
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 10 September, 2011.
Supplementary Provision 6
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 28 September, 2013.
Supplementary Provision 7
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 13 September, 2014.
Supplementary Provision 8
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 12 September, 2015.
Supplementary Provision 9
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on10 September, 2016.
Supplementary Provision 10
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 2 September, 2017.
Supplementary Provision 11
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 29 September, 2018.
Supplementary Provision 12
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 21 October, 2020.
Article 1 Objective
These provisions have been established to ensure the smooth and fair elections of Directors who will execute the resolutions of the General Meeting based on Article 6, Paragraph 10 of the Regulations for Japan International Education Society (hereinafter, the Main Provisions).
Article 2 Election and Those Eligible for Office
All regular members whose membership was approved four (4) or more months before the expiration of the term of office of the Directors, and whose payment of dues has been confirmed within three (3) sessions of the relevant session, may become an elector and person eligible for office. However, regular members whose membership has been approved after the confirmation of persons eligible for office and until the last date of voting, and who are not in arrears in payment of their membership fees, or those members who have paid fees which were in arrears, shall be granted only the right to vote, and in such cases, approval shall be obtained from the Election Administration Committee.
Article 3 Preparation of Electoral Roll
The Election Administration Committee shall prepare a roll of those eligible to vote and persons eligible for office in the upcoming elections based on the provisions of Article 2 (Election and Those Eligible for Office).
Article 4 Official Announcement of the Election
The Election Administration Committee shall simultaneously mail the roll of eligible persons and ballots, sealed by the Election Administration Committee, to all electors asking them to vote three or more months before the Directors’ term of office expires. The date these rolls are sent shall be considered the date of official announcement of the election.
Article 5 Making Entries on the Ballot Papers
In accordance with the Detailed Rules for Election of Directors to the Japan International Education Society, the number of eligible persons for the metropolitan area block and the local block shall be within the designated number of Directors for each; and they shall be entered jointly.
Article 6 Voting Format
The voting shall be on secret ballots sent through the mail.
Article 7 How to Fix the Number of Votes
The voting period shall start after the official date of its announcement, and the exact deadline will be determined by the Election Administration Committee in between 30 days to 60 days after the official date of the announcement. The voting shall be closed on that date and the number of votes received by that date shall comprise the total and final number.
Article 8 Opening of Ballots and Vote Counting
The Election Administration Committee shall open the ballots and count them immediately after the number of votes is fixed. All reading of the ballots and determination of effective votes shall be decided solely by a majority of members of the Election Administration Committee.
Article 9 Public Opening of the Ballots
The opening of the ballots shall be made publicly, and any member can be present at the opening procedure. However, the Election Administration Committee may limit the number of such persons to the extent that the opening procedure shall not be interfered with.
Article 10 Nomination of New Directors
The Election Administration Committee shall report the Election returns to the Board of Directors orally and in writing immediately after completing the vote counting, and nominate relevant persons as new Directors. The written reports and nomination in writing signed and sealed by the Chairperson of the Election Administration Committee are official.
Additionally, in the event that the elected new Director is a student member, they can be made a Specially-Appointed Director through a change of status to regular member. In this case, the approval of the Board of Directors must be obtained, and the new Specially-Appointed Director will not be counted in the number of Specially-Appointed Director designated in Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the Main Provisions.
Article 11 Management of Evidencing Documents
Any evidencing document relating to a relevant election shall be sealed after its contents have been confirmed and the item list signed and sealed by all members of the Election Administration Committee. In this case, the person responsible for its custody shall be the Chairperson of the Election Administration Committee, and the period of such custody shall be until the end of the term of office of the new Directors has expired.
Article 12 Filling Vacancies
The Election Administration Committee shall nominate a Director by awarding election to the runner-up when any vacancy occurs. If there should be a plural number of runners-up with an equal number of votes, the winner shall be chosen by means of a drawing, and the term of office shall coincide with the remaining period the predecessor would have filled.
Article 13 Amendment to these Provisions
An amendment to these provisions shall be based on the procedures for amendment contained in Article 11 of the Main Provisions.
Article 14 Effective Date of the Provisions
These provisions shall take effect as of 8 August, 1990.
Supplementary Provision 1 These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 15 November, 2002.
Supplementary Provision 2 These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 15 November, 2008.
Supplementary Provision 3 These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 12 September, 2009.
Supplementary Provision 4 These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 11 September, 2010.
First issued 11 September, 2010
Amended 12 September, 2015
Article 1 Voting Area Blocks of Regular Members
1) Electors shall be divided into the following Voting Area Blocks, as stipulated in the Provisions to Elect Directors to the Japan International Education Society.
1. Metropolitan Area Block: Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama
2. Local Block: All areas other than the metropolitan area block
2) Affiliation to Voting Area Blocks shall be determined by the location of the regular member’s main place of work (student members’ affiliation shall be determined by location of the university in which they are enrolled). Affiliation for those unemployed members shall be determined by their residential address.
Article 2 Election of Directors
Directors shall be elected according to a division into metropolitan area block and local block as stipulated in Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Regulations for the Japan International Education Society.
Article 3 Designated Number of Directors
The designated number of Directors for the metropolitan area block and the local block is in principle based upon the number of members in each as of the 31st of March of the year in which the election is held, prorated by 1 director for every 10 members of the block, and shall be publicly announced at the time of the election, pending review and approval by the Board of Directors as stipulated in Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Regulations for the Japan International Education Society.
Article 4 Voting
Regular members (including regular members who are students) shall vote for the designated number of eligible persons affiliated with the metropolitan area block, and for the designated number of eligible persons affiliated with the local block.
Issued 10 October, 2011
Article 1
If an Advisor, the President, Vice-President (or someone who has held one of these posts in the past), an Emeritus Director or member experiences a remarkable celebration, the Society, as an organization, may extend its congratulations. The Board of Directors shall deliberate upon and decide what constitutes a remarkable celebration and the content of the congratulations.
Article 2
In the event of the death of an Advisor, the President, Vice-President (or someone who has held one of these posts in the past), an Emeritus Director or member who is acknowledged as continuously having contributed to the growth of the Society, the Society, as an organization, may offer its condolences in one of the following ways. Based on the advice of the Board of Directors and while respecting the wishes of the bereaved, the President and others will make the decision as to whom and in what way the condolences will be offered.
1) Telegram of condolence
2) Funeral Gift (10,000 yen or less)
3) Offering of flowers
4) Condolences
5) Mourning article in the Newsletter
6) Special Issue in Memoriam in the Newsletter or Society Journal
Supplementary Provision
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 10 September, 2011.
First issued 29 September, 2012
Amended 10 September, 2016
Article 1 Name of the Academic Society Award
The award shall be referred to as the “Japan International Education Society Award/Japan International Education Society Honorable Mention Award” (hereinafter, “Award”).
Article 2 Recipients of the Award
1) The Japan International Education Society Award shall be conferred for articles or books published by Society members which constitute an outstanding research achievement in the field of International Education, and which have been recommended by other members or which members have themselves recommended.
2) The Japan International Education Society Honorable Mention Award is conferred in accordance with 1) above, for articles or books which constitute emerging research achievements that are expected to contribute to the future growth of the Field of International Education, and which have been recommended by other members or which members have themselves recommended.
3) The number of works which can be recommended by one Member (recommendation of another’s work, or a recommendation by a member themself) is one (1) per person.
4) Research achievements eligible for recommendation are articles which have been published in the Journal of the Japan International Education Society Journal, or books which have been published domestically or internationally by members of the Japan International Education Society.
Article 3 Award Selection
1) Selection for awards will be conducted by the Award Selection Committee of the Japan International Education Society (hereafter, “Selection Committee”), and the result of their deliberations reported to the President.
2) The selection of Awards will be made once every two years, for works published during this time.
3) Details regarding recommendation and selection of awards will be provided separately by the Selection Committee.
Article 4 Selection Committee
1) The Selection Committee shall consist of the Chairperson of the Selection Committee and four (4) Committee Members, including the Vice-Chairperson of the Selection Committee. However, depending on the content of the article or book being reviewed, Selection Committee members (reviewers) may be added.
2) The Chairperson of the Selection Committee is appointed from the Directors, and the Committee Members and Manager from the regular members by the President, and they are each commissioned after approval by the Board of Directors. The Vice-Chairperson of the Selection Committee is mutually elected by the Selection Committee members. One Committee Member should be appointed from the members of the Committee for Editing the Society Journal.
3) The term of office for each of the Selection Committee Members shall be two (2) fiscal years.
Article 5 Number of Awards Conferred
The number of awards conferred for articles and books should be approximately two (2) to three (3) in total every two years.
Article 6 Conferral of Award
1) Awards can only be awarded once per paper and once per book per member.
2) The conferral of the award will be made at the Annual General Meeting.
3) Only certificates will be awarded.
Article 7 Delegation of Authority to the Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will decide any necessary additional matters to those contained in these Regulations.
Article 8 Amendments to these Regulations
Amendments to these Regulations shall be approved at the General Meeting after deliberation by the Board of Directors
Supplementary Provision 1
These regulations will take effect as of 29 September, 2012.
Supplementary Provision 2
These Amendments will come into effect upon conclusion of the General Meeting held on 10 October, 2016.
Ratified at the 2020 General Meeting, 21 October, 2020
Toward the end of prioritizing the safety of participants, and from the point of preventing harm before it happens, this Society , in principle, establishes the following guidelines regarding changing content or cancellation of academic conferences sponsored by this Society (Annual Conferences, Public Workshops) in response to natural disasters occurring at the time of said events. As for actual operations, responses will vary flexibly according to the location of the sponsoring university, the type and degree of the natural disaster, operation status of public transportation, and so on.
1. Decisions and Notifications Regarding Cancellation of Academic Conferences and Workshops
If a natural disaster has occurred, toward the end of securing the safety of participants and avoiding damage and confusion, the President, Secretary-General, and Conference Chairperson will immediately hold a meeting and decide options for response, including that of cancellation of the conference.
Notifications regarding their decision will be displayed on the Conference Homepage, Society Homepage and in the vicinity of the Reception Desk at the Sponsoring institution.
2. Indicators for Deliberations Regarding Response
Rough Time Indicator | Premise of Deliberations regarding Response | Response, in Principle |
Before the day of the event | “Alert Level 3” of Special Warnings and Evacuation Preparations is issued for the area of the venue, and planned suspension of public transportation such as trains for all lines in the area including the closest station to the venue has been announced | Conference is cancelled during time of planned suspension |
Until 2 hours before the start of Reception on the day of the Conference | “Alert Level 3” of Special Warnings and Evacuation Preparations is issued for the area of the venue, or planned suspension or delays of public transportation such as trains for all lines in the area including the closest station to the venue are occurring | Event is cancelled for the morning |
Until 2 hours before the start of the Afternoon Program on the day of the Conference | Event is cancelled for the afternoon | |
During the Conference | “Alert Level 3” of Special Warnings and Evacuation Preparations is issued for the area of the venue, or planned suspension or delays of public transportation such as trains for all lines in the area including the closest station to the venue are occurring | As far as possible, cancel the conference, as well as all items on the program for the rest of the day. |
3. In Case Conditions Have Improved Enough to Allow for the Start or Resumption of a Conference
In the event that the conditions of “Premise for Deliberations regarding Response” listed in 2. above have improved enough to allow for the start or resumption of the Conference, start or resume it. In this case, in principle, implement the program that had originally been scheduled for that time. However, the General Meeting should take precedence over other items.
4. Measures to be Taken in the Case of Cancellation or Non-Holding of a Conference
Item Cancelled or Not Held | Response Measure |
General Meeting | At a later day, provide general meeting materials to all Members, solicit opinions regarding these items on the agenda for one month, and approve all proposals which have received no objection. Deliberate those proposals which raised objection in the Board of Directors. The budget should be executed as necessary. |
Conference | Treat presentations scheduled for that day as if they had been conducted by posting the abstract in the conference abstract collection. Do not establish an alternative presentation day. Conference fees are not to be refunded as they will already have been used for expenses during preparation for the conference, but conference abstract collections can be distributed or posted to attendees. |
Social Gathering | In principle, fees for the Social Gathering should be refunded. In the case of fees which have been paid by electronic money transfer, deduct the fee for the transfer from the returned amount. |
5. Response to Damage
If damage arises during the conference, the President, Secretary-General, and Conference Chairperson should deliberate and execute appropriate measures to ensure the safety of participants and prevent the spread of damage.
The Society should take no responsibility for accidents which occur between participants’ houses and the venue, which should be treated as the responsibility of that person.
Ratified at the 2012 1st Board of Directors Meeting, 29 September, 2012
In relation to Article 4 of the Regulations of the Japan International Education Society (“Rights and Duties of Members”) Paragraphs 2 and 3 (“Duty of Payment of Membership Fees”) this Society establishes the following guidelines regarding collection of members’ personal information for the sake of Society operations:
1. Purpose and Scope of Collection
Toward the end of carrying out the organizational business and activities necessary for scholastic research by an academic society, personal information required to identify certain individuals such as that stipulated in Item 2 below, shall, to the extent necessary, be collected from Society members or non-members interested in participating in the activities of this Society. At the time of collection of personal information, the purpose of collection will be clearly indicated, and the free will of the information provider will be honored.
2. Scope of Personal Information
”The scope of personal information required to identify a certain individual” includes the member’s first and last names, affiliation and job title, date of birth, nationality, contact details (household address, home phone number, home facsimile number, personal e-mail address, address, phone number, facsimile number and e-mail of institutional group to which they belong), field and theme of research, main research background/research achievements, status of payment of membership fees, other information necessary for the selection of the Society’s Award or for the election of Directors, etc.
3. Purpose of Disclosing Information
1) Member’s personal information will be disclosed to the relevant Society members when necessary to achieve the purposes of this Society or for the operations of this Society, or when necessary for mutual research purposes. Members to whom personal information has been disclosed must not use this information for purposes other than those described herein.
2) The names and job titles of Directors of this Society such as the members of the Board of Directors and the Secretariat will be disclosed on the Society’s homepage, in the Society Journal, in the Newsletter and so on.
4. Scope of Disclosure of Information
Under the provisions of Item 1 of these Guidelines, to the extent that it is necessary for the performance of their duties, this Society’s Directors, members of the Secretariat, and Committee Members of various committees can access the personal information collected by the Society. Under the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law and related rules, and under the principle of free will of the provider, other Members can access members’ first and last names, affiliation and job title, date of birth, nationality, contact details (household address, home phone number, home facsimile number, personal e-mail address, address, phone number, facsimile number and e-mail of institutional group to which they belong), and field and theme of research.
5. Ceding of Information
The disclosure or ceding of personal information to those other than Society members is in principle prohibited. However, exceptions apply when the information is necessary to achieve the purposes of this Society or for the operations of the Society and it has been approved by the Board of Directors. Personal information regarding members acquired by Directors during their term of office must immediately be destroyed by appropriate means upon retirement from office.
6. Issuance and Handling of Member Roster
This Society publishes a list of Members. The Members List has been compiled for the sake of Society activities, the election of Directors, and for contacting other members for the purpose of research, and has been made available under the agreement of the person providing the necessary information. In the case that agreement cannot be obtained, that information will not be listed. Members may not cede or lend the Members List to third parties. They must also be careful in its handling, and be careful not to misplace it. The Members List shall be used only for the operation of the Society and for contact for research purposes.
7. Management, Storage and Disposal of Personal Information
This Society’s members’ personal information will be managed appropriately, and care will be taken that there is no tampering, loss, nor leakage to outsiders. Matters involving storage and disposal of documents containing personal information will be determined by the Board of Directors according to the content and type of document.
8. Effect of/Amendments to these Guidelines
Amendments to these Guidelines can be made according to resolution by the Board of Directors, and will be notified to members via the Society Homepage, Journal, Newsletter, and the like. Effectiveness of these Guidelines after any amendments will apply to all personal information collected before said amendments.
Ratified at the 2012 1st Board of Directors Meeting, 29 September, 2012
In relation to Article 4 of the Regulations of the Japan International Education Society (“Rights and Duties of Members”) Paragraphs 2 and 3 (“Duty of Payment of Membership Fees”) this Society establishes the following guidelines:
1. On Payment of Membership Fees and Distribution of the Society Journal
Shipment of the Society Journal will be put on hold for the year corresponding to unpaid membership fees for Society members who are in arrears in payment their membership fees.
2. Payment of Membership Fees and Eligibility to Present at Academic Gatherings
Applications to present at the Society’s annual Academic Conference or at the Spring Workshop can only be submitted by members who have paid their membership fees (in the case of joint presentations, all members must have paid). For those wishing to join the Society, eligibility to present is restricted to those whose Membership Applications have been submitted by the deadline for applications to present, and membership must have been approved by the Board of Directors by the date of the relevant Conference or Workshop.
3. Payment of Membership Fees and Eligibility to Submit to the Society Journal
Submissions to the Society Journal can only be made by those members who have paid membership fees for the relevant year by the deadline for submission (in the case of joint submissions, all authors must have paid). For those wishing to join the Society, membership must have been approved by the Board of Directors by the deadline submission date.
4. Payment of Membership Fees and Withdrawal from the Society
Those members wishing to withdraw from the Society must have paid their membership fees until the year in which the notification of withdrawal is made. Intention to withdraw must be notified in writing to the Society Secretariat.
5. Procedures related to the Notification to Pay Membership Dues
Members who have been in arrears in payment of their membership fees for three consecutive years will have their name removed from the register according to the following procedures. However, this does not apply to Emeritus Directors or those members living outside of Japan.
1) At the end of the second fiscal year in which membership fees are in arrears, suspend membership and immediately notify the non-paying member of the need to solve the issue of non-payment of membership fees.
2) Prepare a roster of members who have not resolved the issue of non-payment by the end of the third fiscal year. At the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the next fiscal year, the Directors will review the roster and pass a resolution to remove that member’s name from the register.
3) Members whose names have been removed from the register due to non-payment of membership fees lose their membership status on the last day of the fiscal year.
6. Non-payment of Membership Fees and Notification
Regardless of the provisions of the previous paragraph, names of members who have not paid their membership dues for two consecutive years, and who cannot be reached via any means, including contact to the registered address, will be removed from the register on the last day of the fiscal year in which payment is possible.
7. Deadline for Payment of Membership Dues
The fiscal year for this Society corresponds to the Society’s session, 1 August to 31 July. Members must pay their membership fees for the new year by the last day of September.
8. Handling of Excesses or Deficiencies in Amount Paid for Membership Fees
Members shall pay pre-determined membership fees. Deficiencies in the amount of payment will be handled as non-payments until additional payments have been made and the membership amount paid in full. If the amount paid exceeds the designated membership fee for that year, the excess will be applied to membership fees for the next year.
8. Effect of/Amendments to these Guidelines
Amendments to these Guidelines can be made according to resolution by the Board of Directors, and will be notified to members via the Society Homepage, Journal, Newsletter, and the like.